
As of Septembre 3rd, 2024

Register online
You can choose to participate in the StartUp MeetUp (BtoB meetings) or not, simply select your category and create an account. Your registration must be validated by the event organizer. A confirmation email will be sent as soon as your registration is approved.




As of October 14th, 2024

Request meetings
Once the catalogue goes live, check out participant profiles and send requests for an appointment to anyone you’d like to meet. A predictive algorithm sends you priority matches so you can connect with the participants who meet your needs. Be sure to fill in your availability, as the matching system takes this into account when scheduling.


your meeting schedule

Until November 13th, 2024

Confirm your meeting schedule
Any participant can request an appointment: simply accept or decline a proposed meeting. Check your account regularly to see new meeting requests.


your final schedule

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Get your final schedule
A few days before the event, you’ll receive an optimized meeting schedule that includes BtoB appointments confirmed by both parties and the workshops you’ve registered to attend.


in the event Le Paris de l’Innovation

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Participate in the event Le Paris de l’Innovation
Participate in the event and set up additional meetings on the webapp, scan badges of the participants you’d like to meet, and download your database of contacts.